Thursday, January 26, 2006

Torrent of new stuff

eSaw Mini-110
Well, yesterday, I received an eSaw Mini 110 PC for review. Should be able to post a link to it in a couple of weeks. What attracted me to this was the size. It's the same width and height as a standard 5.25" enclosure, which, coincidentally is the same size as my intended Nano-ITX project. Only problem with it is length - it's about 2 inches longer than a typical CD drive, so would only fit into a bay with loads of clearance behind it.

Anyway, I took it to bits of course. Had to, really. They use a single fan to cool the Celeron-M processor (1.4Ghz in the model I reviewed), and they've also managed to cram in a slimline CD in addition to a 9mm 2.5" drive. Which is pretty impressive: I'm sure I'll have no space in mine for a CD drive... Anyway, it's worth a look if you're after that size, slightly more performance than the Nano-ITX can offer and can't be bothered to build your own. Pics later, when I've got them off my digital camera, but you can see the outside of the case on the eSaw site.

New site!
I had a great bit of news the other day: Sascha at EpiaCenter is letting me take over his fairly dormant domain, along with a few other TLDs. We've discussed briefly what could go on the site. I'm thinking about getting into reviewing components and software of interest to Mini-Nano-ITX system builders, like various TV adapter software, etc. and a bunch of hardware. I'll also set up a project gallery a-la but for Nano-ITX specifically, and hopefully I'll be able to kick off the new site with a review of a production Epia-N! I'll keep this blog going, but it'll be a bit less formal than the main site. Anyway, big thanks to Sascha!

Order shipped
Which brings me onto my third bit of news. The Epia-N I've bought from eBay has been shipped, and I have a tracking number. So far, so good. Crucial memory turned up, speedy delivery as usual.

I have a PSU for bench-testing the board. If anyone can donate a small DC-DC board, I'd be grateful. Otherwise, if anyone can recommend one to me? I just need about a 60W PSU, as small as possible. Haven't seen any Nano-ITX PSUs for sale yet, but of course that'd be ideal, especially if it clipped straight onto the board.


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