Saturday, December 10, 2005

OK, more signs of boards appearing for sale

Look here. That is a Google translated page. Looks like the name of the original author translates as 'Small Dumpling'. How funny is that?!

Also see this page, and this page for futher information about that 'Piccolo' box, which it seems has the following dimensions: 135 (width) ×135 (depth) ×75 (height).

Excuse lame link names, but the Google-translated page URLs are really long.

Another interesting page is this one, which gives quite a lot of detail about the board. The company seems to be a kind of wholesaler. Now look at this: They show you the connector accessories you get in the box!

Finally, dunno about you, but the links to manuals on the VIA site didn't work for me (they were using what seems to be a private IP address), but I found this link to the user guide.


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